5EB World Book Day

What a brilliant world book day we’ve had in 5EB! We started off with an assembly where we got to see everybody’s fabulous outfits and found out about the new KS1 library. After the assembly, we explored the new library and were amazed at all the little details included. We then sat down with some new books and enjoyed taking time to read to the nursery children. Every child in the class loved doing this and said they would love the opportunity to do it again! After our library session we came back to class and read information on Berlie Doherty – this is the author of our class book Street Child. We found out that she has written 60 books and loves to write her first drafts with a pen and paper. From all the information we found out, we then created Berlie Doherty fact files. Next, we went into the immersive suite and read books of our own choice with torchlight. We ended the day listening to Miss Braithwaite read some poems from the book ‘Teachers pick their noses and other poems’ by Conrad Burdekin. This is a poet who we love as we have met him in the past and created our very own poem with him.